We believe in making professional optometrists & good human beings.


Home // Welcome

From the Medical Director's Desk - DR. SUHAS HALDIPURKAR

DR. SUHAS HALDIPURKAR Medical Director of Laxmi Colleg of Optometry

Dear Aspirants,

It gives me immense pleasure in welcoming you, on behalf of the entire campus community of the Laxmi College of Optometry (LCO), Panvel and thank you for showing your interest in us.

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

Nelson Mandela

We at LCO believe that Education consist of a series of enchantments, each raising the individual to a higher level of alertness, knowledge, understanding, and kinship. The responsibility of education is to cultivate students' interests, develop their learning skills and impart skills to make an individual more marketable and provide greater career choice, eventually prove to be a turning point in one's career.

To be more effective, LCO assume responsibility for imparting professional knowledge and cultivating students' interests with state of the art facilities coupled with effective teaching by highly motivated faculty members who excel in their area of specialization, which consistently attempts to offer the best educational facilities. Students learn not just theory but how to apply cutting-edge concepts to real, relevant patients' need, and develop proficiency areas such as communication, leadership and teamwork, meticulous and constantly evolving teaching how to work smarter, be more competent and create a better way.

LCO has rich heritage of past and its standing as one of the best teaching center in India. " Excellence and Values " are our guiding principles which are reflected in every activity of the Institute.

I welcome the students to the portal of this educational institution and wish them a memorable, meaningful and rewarding tenure and emerge as world-class optometrist.

  • Everyone has their Everest, let us help you climb
  • From the Principal’s Desk - DR. RITA DHAMANKAR
    DR. RITA DHAMANKAR Principal of Laxmi Colleg of Optometry

    Laxmi College is a college with a fantastic learning environment and ethos. We are rightly proud of being a comprehensive college providing educational opportunities for all our students, irrespective of ability or aptitude. Having started in the year 2000, at the turn of the millennium, we started off with a diploma in optometry. Soon we realized the need for optometrists which is growing so rapidly, that we moved on to providing education for a degree in optometry. Today, we stand proud, with an independent premise of our own, the only college in Optometry in Maharashtra to have one. I hope the following introduction gives you some insight into our College.

    Laxmi College has an excellent record of success in education. Our academic record over the past few years shows sustained high standards. The College's teachers and support staff have proved time and time again that they are of the highest quality and care about each and every child. We are a College of around 100 students with a growing number of children choosing Laxmi College from all over the district & the neighboring districts as well. Teaching is a strength of the College and is closely monitored consistently two thirds of our students attain high grades leading many onto further education, & training. Many of our Alumni are today exploring various fields in optometry, ranging from being Marketing heads in Various MNC'S, running professional contact lens clinics, doing very well in the teaching profession to of course working with ophthalmologists owning optician outlets all over. The College prides itself on the links it has forged with the local community. We have a Rotaract club for the students of Laxmi College of optometry, and our students are exposed to social commitment from the very beginning.

    We believe in making professional optometrists & good human beings.

    We will ensure your child's educational journey is successful, enjoyable and one which they will look back on with great fondness.